Quantum Instruments
A division of PromarkBRANDS
1268 Humbracht Circle
Bartlett, IL 60103-1631 USA
Tel: (800) 989-0505
Today we are checking in with third generation photographer, Michael Gilbert. Michael has shot everything from weddings & portraits to fine art. He has studios in Maui, Hawaii and Paris, France and his images are featured in many galleries and even museums.
Michale is working with Quantum’s new Omicron LED Ring flash here. He is creating an image with it roots in Geisha but more modern look, for his client Andrea Bresset.
“The headpiece was created with a old bicycle helmet and wire which allowed me to wrap material in and around it.”
Here Michael is taking advantage of the “shadowless” property of the ring flash. He has placed his subject behind a textured fabric… “having the ring flash made it easy to keep the lighting flat and even. I like using ring flash as a fill and mix with available light as well”
Aloha Michael
Thanks for choosing Quantum.