
Some Oldies But Goodies…Will Crockett’s Original Qflash Tutorials

We have been working with Will Crockett for many years. Recently Will produced a series of product selection and on location “sizzle” videos for us. Today I am taking a look at a couple of the first Qflash tutorials Will produced for us… they still hold up.

Lesson 5 in the series uses a reception hall table shot to demonstrate Qflash’s Bare Bulb in QTTL mode. This set-up allows you to get high quality results without a lot of fuss.

Allowing the  bare  bulb to bounce light off the ceiling enhances the ambient light and gives a nice even look to your image. It works really well under light colored ceilings when you can be 6-10 feet from your subjects.

The lesson ends with Will’s “Tips From A Pro,” including doing a Custom White Balance.

Take a quick look back at Lesson 4 for a great checklist of tips on the best camera settings for flash photography including, choosing an exposure mode, using spot metering and auto focus mode. Plus some discussion of the powerful Qflash infrared focus assist feature, and preparing your Custom White Balance before your shoot begins.

All of Will’s Quantum tutorials can be found on YouTUBE, Vimeo and on the Tutorials page at


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