Quantum Instruments
A division of PromarkBRANDS
1268 Humbracht Circle
Bartlett, IL 60103-1631 USA
Tel: (800) 989-0505
We have been producing our own series of “product support” videos. We noticed many basic questions coming up repeatedly on our customer support page at GetSatisfaction.com and thought that some short online videos would help answer them.
A couple of months ago our in-house creative talents set about the task. We have a lot great equipment around the shop, including tripods, light stands, monitors, video capable DSLR cameras, and of course our own Omicron LED Ring Light.
With all the equipment ready to go the next step was to decide on a topic and script it. We turned to our Technical Support Specialists to find out specifically what people are asking. As it turns out Customer Support hears everything from “What’s In The Box” to “How Do I Set It Up for Remote”
Being novice film makers we started with a simple, “What’s I n The Box” for our Trio flash, followed by a couple of short “Trio Menu” walk through videos and finally the remote Trio set-up.
As our video collection grows we will be organizing them into albums designed to support particular products. The Trio album is complete now… unless someone decides to make a sequel.
Visit our Vimeo page to see our latest videos.