Quantum Instruments
A division of PromarkBRANDS
1268 Humbracht Circle
Bartlett, IL 60103-1631 USA
Tel: (800) 989-0505
Quantum Product Support for Photographers covering the 2012 Olympic Games in London
The 2012 London Olympic Games will start with the opening ceremony on July 27, 2012 and thousands of photographers will be in London for this occasion. Quantum customers from all over the world will be in the UK to cover the games and all aspects of life surrounding the Olympics.
The UK & Ireland importer of Quantum products Flaghead Photographic Ltd have announced that extra support will be available to existing Quantum users and potential new ones.
The following central London based companies will carry extra stock of Quantum products for sale and rental:
Fixation www.fixationuk.com
Calumet www.calumetphoto.co.uk
The Flash Centre www.theflashcentre.com
For fast repair service, as well as rental & sales, contact:
Fixation www.fixationuk.com
For any inquiries on Quantum products, Rental and Services contact:
Hardy Haase
Flaghead Photographic Ltd
tel 01202 733 123