Quantum Instruments
A division of PromarkBRANDS
1268 Humbracht Circle
Bartlett, IL 60103-1631 USA
Tel: (800) 989-0505
TriggerSmart Tilt-Sensor Switch
The Tilt-Sensor Switch is a sensor to be used with the TriggerSmart camera triggering system. Along with the sound, light and infra-red sensors that are included in the TriggerSmart Kit, this is a fourth, separately purchased, optional sensor that detects tilting and triggers your camera to shoot when a tilt of at least 5º is detected.
- Tilt Sensor for TriggerSmart System
- Senses Tilt of 5º then Fires Camera
- Optional Sensor for TriggerSmart System
In stock (can be backordered)
The Tilt-Sensor Switch from TriggerSmart is a sensor to be used with the TriggerSmart camera triggering system. Along with the sound, light and infra-red sensors that are included in the TriggerSmart Kit, this is a fourth, separately purchased, optional sensor that detects tilting and triggers your camera to shoot when a tilt of at least 5º is detected. By using the TriggerSmart Controller the sensitivity of the Tilt-Sensor Switch can be adjusted. The Tilt-Sensor Switch is used primarily when photographing wildlife with a tilt platform but can be used for a variety of purposes and in conjunction with the Infra-Red or other sensors.
UPC: 807955012573 -
Additional Information
Weight 1 lbs Dimensions 4 × 5 × 5 in -
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